@article{1796, author = "Holly Kihm and Heidi Kulkin and Ryan M. Green and Patricia Sandoval", abstract = "In the U.S., 13.7 million children and adolescents are categorized as either overweight or obese, making this epidemic a severe public health challenge for the nation (CDC, 2019). Limited participation in physical activity has been identified as a strong contributor to excessive weight gain, especially among youth (Gerrero et al., 2017). One solution to this negative trend may lie in Exergaming (a physical form of controlling video games) which has increased among younger populations (Fulton et al., 2012). The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of Exergame play to determine if youth’s physical activity levels were significantly different between real life play and Exergame play. Results showed there were significant differences in physical activity levels between the two types of play, dependent on the activity chosen. Overall, utilizing both Exergame play and real life play provides more opportunities for youth to achieve their recommended daily amount of physical activity.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Exergaming, Physical Activity, Youth, Obesity, Intervention", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "527-532", title = "{E}xergaming as a {S}trategy to {I}ncrease {P}hysical activity {P}articipation among {Y}outh", volume = "7", year = "2020", }