@article{1673, author = "Esther Casares Carmona", abstract = "There is an aim for the European market to produce a film such as L’Aubergne Espagnoles for various reasons concerning why it is financed by so many producers. There is a need to “coexist” with the American market and compete with other European films among the so called films d’auteur and it was the second most popular French film, after Amelie, released in 2001 with a box office success. A film pretending to achieve a broad international market has to represent a heterogeneous group of identities, not just an individual or national identity.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "European, Identity, l Auberge, Gender, Spanish", month = "January", number = "1", pages = "39-42", title = "{I}s {T}here a {N}eed for the {E}uropean {M}arket to {P}roduce a {F}ilm {S}uch as {L}’auberge {E}spagnol", volume = "7", year = "2020", }