@article{1653, author = "Hassan Oladimeji Is-haq", abstract = "This study examines the effect of digital marketing adoption on sales improvement of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from randomly sampled respondents in the SMEs sector. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to the data. The results of the analysis show that adoptions of digital marketing tools such as e-mails, search engine optimization, pay per click and online advertising would significantly improve sales of SMEs. However, the result suggests that for SMEs to sustain improved sales in the sector there is need to take advantage of more than one of the digital tools as part of marketing strategies. ", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Marketing, Digital Marketing, Sales, Small Business, Medium Enterprise, SMEs", month = "November", number = "6", pages = "803-810", title = "{D}igital {M}arketing and {S}ales {I}mprovement in {S}mall and {M}edium {E}nterprises in {N}igeria", volume = "6", year = "2019", }