@article{1507, author = "Neri-Vega, Jovita Georgina and Gonzalez-Neri, Aaron Ivan and Gonzalez-Neri, Hector Miguel and Gonzalez-Neri, Rafael Albertti", abstract = "It is well known that educational change is being viewed as an aspect that must do mainly with the introduction and use of new technology, which to some extent is true; however, the core of this process is in didactic and pedagogic aspects which must be reflected in any educational activity. Virtual education is a mode that introduces all aspects necessary to provide quality education, however, in face-to-face education, virtual platforms and materials have been used rarely and when they come to use, do not have a design and operation that helps to improve the training process of students. That is why this document collects basic information, of interest mainly teaching, about the features, elements and guidelines that must contain and reflect a platform and / or material as a support for face to face classes.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Virtual Platforms, Teacher Support, Correct Creation, Correct Operation", month = "May", number = "3", pages = "369-382", title = "{T}he {C}reation and {C}orrect {O}peration of the {V}irtual {P}latforms as {T}eaching {S}upport in {F}ace to {F}ace {C}lasses", volume = "6", year = "2019", }