@article{1423, author = "Dr. Carmelito Nomer S. Abolencia", abstract = "The arrival of Dr. Jose Rizal on June 26, 1892 created a stir in the society so much so that the Spanish colonial authorities kept an eye on him. This was also because Rizal was a staunch critique to the government. All his life, Rizal dedicated it to the improvement of the lives of his countrymen. But this was not how the government saw it. Prior to his return to the Philippines, he was already publishing articles in the La Solidaridad especially the Indolence of the Filipinos that depict the plight of the Filipinos and how the Spaniards ruled the country. This paper attempted to look at the work of Jose Rizal the Indolence of the Filipinos using the critical approach in Jean Baudrillard’s System of Objects. Contrary to what the Spaniards saw in the Filipinos – as indolent or lazy, Rizal saw it as a product of a functional system produced by colonial domination; an atmosphere created by the Spanish authorities to subdue whatever resistance poised by the indios or the inaction of the Filipinos because of the created belief that has been sawn in their consciousness that the colonizers are mighty and they could not do anything but to serve them; or that they were as good as plowing and tilling the land only; pray and work for the church to obtain the reward of heaven. It is interesting to note that the findings will lead us to the realization that, even though these two great thinkers/writers existed one after the other, Rizal’s works and his life was dedicated to the cause of helping his country move from the realities of the dominated to non-dominated – from slave to freemen; from uneducated to educated and lastly from simple indios to nationalist Filipinos. These social dynamics shown in Rizal’s Indolence of the Filipinos were also the realities found in the discussion of Baudrillard’s Systems of Objects. And only in breaking the code of status, as what Baudrillard called it, can the real societal structure of free and intelligent Filipinos help make the country better which is the ultimate project of Rizal’s life, our national hero", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Atmosphere, Functional System, Indolence, System of Objects", month = "November", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "6", pages = "629-632", title = "{I}ndolence of the {F}ilipino in the {R}ealm of {S}ystem of {O}bjects: {A} {C}ritical {T}heory {A}pproach", volume = "5", year = "2018", }