@article{1417, author = "Muhammad Arzika Danzaki", abstract = "Arabic, like other widespread languages, has many varieties mostly identified with regions they are spoken. Even the Standard variety, the Fusha, which cuts across all regions and periods, is not completely free from regional input. Attempt was made in this paper, to account for the spread of Arabic Language in Nigeria, and to discuss some deviations from Standard Arabic (SA) in the written language of Nigerian Educated Speakers of Arabic. It identified two grammatical and four vocabulary and expression areas where deviations can be found in the written Nigerian Arabic usage. The paper argued that those deviations should not be dismissed as mere mistakes requiring corrections, as usually done from the prescriptive grammatical perspective. They should rather be studied further to determine whether they provide nucleus for an emerging Nigerian Variety of Arabic", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Arabic Language Varieties, Deviations, Nigerian Arabic, Sociolinguistics, Standard Arabic", month = "November", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "6", pages = "624-628", title = "{N}igerian {A}rabic: {A} {P}reliminary {S}ociolinguistics {I}nvestigation", volume = "5", year = "2018", }