@article{1386, author = "Ary Jorge Aguiar Nogueira", abstract = "The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic factors on the performance of high school students who completed the National High School Examination (ENEM) in the last five years in the micro-region of the Middle Valley of the Para{\'i}ba River in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The methodology used is descriptive statistics. Parental education levels and family income were selected as socioeconomic variables. In the data analysis, a qualitative methodology was used. The results show that there is a correlation between socioeconomic factors and the students' final grades, with approximately 16% of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable (R² = 0.16). The research verified that among the independent variables, family income has the strongest correlation, followed by maternal education. Empirical evidence suggests that policies in favor of increasing education for females could contribute to the improvement of students' academic performance without the conflicts that redistributive policies tend to bring", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Academic, Achievement, Socioeconomic, status and SAT", month = "September", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "5", pages = "548-553", title = "{A}cademic {A}chievement and {S}ocioeconomic {S}tatus: {R}esults of the {B}razilian {N}ational {H}igh {S}chool {E}xamination ", volume = "5", year = "2018", }