@article{259, author = "Orji, N. M.", abstract = "An epidemiology study on dental caries was carried out among the secondary schools in Ihiala local government area of Anambra State. A total of 144 students were screened, 64 students from Abbot Boys and 80 students from Uli girls secondary school. A pretested questionnaire was administered on each student to identify their knowledge, attitude and practice about dental caries. Each student was examined clinically for signs and symptoms of dental caries. The result showed that out of 144 students examined, 66(45.8%) were positive while 78(54.2%) were negative for dental caries. The distribution of dental caries by schools shows that Uli girls secondary school had the highest prevalence of 44(55%) while abbot boys had the least prevalence with 22(34.4%). The gender related prevalence depicts that female had more prevalence with 44(55%) while male students had the least prevalence with 22 (34.4%). In age related prevalence 16-18years had more prevalence with 12(54.5%) while 10-12 years had the lowest prevalence with 4(18.2%). Of the dental caries observed, extracted had highest prevalence 12(54.5%) in Abbot boys and 24(54.5%) in Uli girls while decayed was the least with 4 (18.2%) in Abbot boys and 8 (18. 2%) in Uli girl secondary school. In conclusion, the result of the study showed that dental cares is common among secondary school children in Ihiala. This underscores the need for improved rural hygiene habits, and dental care amongst the students.", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Prevalence, Dental Caries, Secondary School Children, Gender", month = "May", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "3", pages = "148-153", title = "{P}revalence of {D}ental {C}aries among {S}econdary {S}chool {C}hildren in {I}hiala {L}ocal {G}overnment {A}rea, {A}nambra {S}tate, {N}igeria", volume = "2", year = "2015", }