@article{1509, author = "Dr. Maria Giannakou", abstract = "The present study is focused on the analysis of the educational policy that brought into practice the educational reform of 1997-98 where the official goverment texts are used to identify the significant innovations and draw conclusions from this episode in the Greek educational scene. As important factor prooved to be the analysis that is provided on the collection of data on teachers’ interventions in educational journals relative to the reform of 1997-98 and its educational policy. The qualitative approach used focuses on the contextualization of teachers’ texts in which the concentration of their viewpoints brings into discussion the significance of the reform’ s fate.", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Educational Policy, Educational Reform, Grammar of Schooling", month = "March", number = "2", pages = "240-250", title = "{E}ducational {P}olicy and the {E}ducational {R}eform of 1997-98 in {G}reece", volume = "6", year = "2019", }