@article{1496, author = "Dr. Moustakas Loukas and Moustaka Maria-Anastasia", abstract = "The main purpose of the present research is to identify all those parameters that can define a framework for the effective implementation of Environmental Education programs in adults. Both the statements of the respondents regarding issues related to environmental education and the attempt to indicate the parameters that actually differentiate among people of different age are of service to our initial objective. The analysis of the respondents' statements regarding their views on lifelong learning clearly suggests that the population in general, considers learning as a means to overcome effectively any form of adversity in everyday life and there is great interest in participating in corresponding educational programs, provided that certain conditions are met. These conclusions show a significant number of differentiations in relation to the participants' age, which highlights the complexity of this issue and signifies the need for further study and research", issn = "23495219", journal = "IJIRES", keywords = "Adult Education, Attitudes, Environmental Education, Quantitative Research, Age", month = "March", number = "2", pages = "159-173", title = "{W}ide- {S}cale {S}urvey on the {P}opulation of {R}hodes {I}sland, {G}reece, {R}egarding the {I}mplementation of {E}nvironmental {E}ducation on {A}dult {E}ducation. {T}he {S}ignificance of the {A}ge {V}ariable in {R}ecording {G}eneral {V}iew and {A}ttitude", volume = "6", year = "2019", }